Coding Essentials Guidebook for Developers: Table of Contents

Table of Contents
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Table of Contents
- Preface
- Introduction
- Chapter 1: Computer Architecture and Data Basics
- Chapter 2: How Programming Languages Work
- A Programming Language is a Program - Compiling and Interpreting
- The Tradeoff: Speed vs Effort and the Level of the Language
- Chapter 3: How the Internet Works
- Servers and Clients: Digital Conversation Participants
- Digital Conversation Medium: Requests and Responses
- The Browser: A Window to the Internet
- Browser Development Tools
- Chapter 4: Command Line Basics
- A Program to Run Programs
- Basic Navigation, Folder, and File Commands: pwd, ls, mkdir, cd, touch, cp, mv, rm
- Other Useful Commands: clear, echo, history, zip, tar, sudo, cat, man
- Chapter 5: Text Editor Basics with Vim
- Text Editor Overview
- Vim Overview
- The VimTutor
- Chapter 6: HTML Basics
- The Skeleton of a Website
- Tag Format
- Data vs Metadata
- Base tags: <html>, <head>, <body>, <title>
- Content Tags: <p>, <hx>, <img>, <a>, <form>, <input>, <div>, <span>
- Chapter 7: CSS Basics
- CSS Selectors
- Common CSS Properties: color, background-color, font-size, font-family, margin, padding, height, width, display, text-align
- Media Rules
- The <link> HTML Element
- Chapter 8: JavaScript Basics
- Node.js
- Variables and Assignment
- Data Types: integer, float, string, boolean, array, object
- Basic Statements: console.log, alert, length
- Comments
- Program Flow Control Statements: if/else, loops, break, continue
- Functions, Methods, and Variable Scopes
- jQuery Basics
- The HTML <script> Tag
- Revisting the Browser Console
- Chapter 9: Python Basics
- Background
- Installing Python
- Variables and Assignment
- Data Types: integer, float, string, boolean, list, dictionary
- Common Statements: print, input, length, range, casting
- Comments
- Program Flow Control Statements: if/else, loops, break, continue
- Functions
- Working with Files
- Creating and Running Python Programs
- Exceptions
- Modules and Imports
- Chapter 10: Java Basics
- Installing Java
- Variables and Assignment
- Data Types: integer, short, long, char, string, boolean, array
- Common Statements: System.out.println(), length
- Comments
- Program Flow Control Statements: if/else, loops, break, continue
- Functions, Methods, and Variable Scopes
- Chapter 11: Git Basics
- Structure of a Software Project
- Version Control Systems (VCS)
- Installing Git
- Creating and Cloning Git Repositories: init, clone
- Basic Git Usage: status, add, commit, rm, log, .gitignore
- Working with Git Branches: branch, checkout, merge
- Pushing and Pulling
- Chapter 12: Databases and SQL Basics
- Installing MySQL
- Chapter 13: Web frameworks and MVC Basics
- MVC - Models, Views, and Controllers
- MVC Example: Java Spring Framework
- Chapter 14: Package Manager Basics
- Mac OS X: Homebrew
- Linux: Apt and Yum
- JavaScript: NPM
- Python: Pip
- Java: Apache Maven
- Conclusion
Final Notes
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