Elon Musk's tunnel passes first round in Las Vegas

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The news
Elon Musk wasn't joking when he said he wanted to build a tunnel... His company passed an approval round by the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority to build a "people mover". This is a major win for Musk as it will hopefully be a stepping stone to later solving the traffic crisis in LA.
His company, "The Boring Company", has set out to build this people mover for the convention center by offering a high speed guest transportation system, having the potential to transform Las Vegas. LVCVA released the exclusive announcement on the 12th of March, following the board of Directors voting in favor of Musk's project.
LVCVA CEO and President, Steve Hill - “This project is an example of how our leading principles can create an experience benefitting our community and valued visitors.”
The "test tunnel" will be a fully operational 1.14-mile Loop system, costing less than $10 million per mile. The project will undergo another final round of approval before the construction commences, however still congratulations to Musk and The Boring Company.
Final Notes
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