Image of How to change the default deploy directory of Tomcat in Eclipse


Table of Contents


By default, web applications are deployed under this path: “WORKSPACE/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.wst.server.core/tmp0/wtpwebapps” .

Here below we define the needed steps to change the default deploy directory of Tomcat in Eclipse.

1- Custom Deploy Directory

Follow the steps below to change the default deploy directory of Tomcat in Eclipse.

  • Open servers view
  • Double-click on tomcat server, the following overview tab is opened:


  • Select “use custom location” radio button in the “Server Locations” section and set your custom deploy path.

If “Server Locations” section is disabled, follow the steps below to enable it:

  • Right-click tomcat server -> Properties
  • Then click on “Switch Location” button as the following:



Here below we define the needed steps to change the default deploy directory of Tomcat in Eclipse.

Next Steps

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Final Notes